Music Notes on Mural - Indian Hill Music Room

We are pleased to announce that our large gift in 2023 was a beautiful new music room and instruments for Indian Hill School.

Our trustees worked diligently to fund this entire project through our 2023 Annual Giving Campaign, as well as the Gala, Battle of the Faculties, and the 5K. We are very proud of our fundraising endeavors this year, and extremely appreciative that so many families have supported our efforts. We are reaching out to you one last time, to offer you the opportunity to leave a lasting impression at Indian Hill School for years to come!

We are asking parents to consider purchasing a large music note, which is part of a mural displayed outside of the music room. Ms. Jillian Greco, one of the art teachers at Village and Indian Hill Schools, shared her time and talent to create this mural in the hall, right across from the music/band room. Each note will have the child’s or family’s name written on it.
The Mural will be painted & completed with the names in the next few weeks by Ms. Jillian Greco.

Please visit our HFEE Online Store to purchase your special piece of the mural today.

There are a limited number of pieces available, so don’t wait if you would like to be a part of this beautiful project!

We thank you again for your continued support.

Picture of the Mural at Indian Hill School.