Any student, teacher, or member of the professional staff in the Holmdel School District is eligible to submit a grant proposal to the HFEE seeking approval of grant funding. All grant proposals should be designed for implementation no sooner than the first school day of the school year and no later than June of the following year.

A review committee of HFEE Trustees evaluates all grant applications and awards a limited number of grants each school year that fit the program criteria.

Staff Grant – up to $3,500
Student Grant – up to $2,000

The HFEE has been proud to fund grants that meet the following criteria:

  • Grants that enhance the existing academic program, curriculum, guidance or counseling functions, and staff development.
  • Grants that enrich – not duplicate or replace – the current curriculum and educational structure
  • Grants to support innovative and creative projects to enhance the teaching and/or learning experience.
  • Grant applications must include a detailed description of the project purpose and scope.
  • Grant applications must clearly identify the learning objectives and related curriculum goals.

Grant applications should also include detail on the procedures for implementation, with a clear plan which describes the methods, materials, resources, estimated schedule, and a specific completion date.

Grant applications should include plans for evaluating the project with detailed and measurable outcomes, where applicable.

Grant applications should include detailed budgets itemizing, as applicable, vendor quotes, the cost of labor, materials to be purchased and any other costs related to the project.

The Holmdel Board of Education will review and approve the HFEE grant applications at the Board of Education meeting in April/May.

The HFEE would like to hear about the impact of the grant and any accomplishments associated with the grant upon completion of key milestones. The post-implementation report is
required for all grant projects and must be submitted to the HFEE by the June HFEE meeting date.

Historically, grant recipients attended an HFEE meeting at the end of the grant period to present on the impact of the grant. While we wish to continue this practice, the HFEE would like to offer
other options to highlight the success of the grant project.

Each grant application must identify 1 of the following ways the impact/success of the grant will be memorialized and shared with the HFEE:

  • Attend an HFEE meeting to present on the impact of the grant
  • Develop a short “thank you” video discussing the impact of the grant
  • Develop a PPT presentation detailing the impact of the grant
  • Other, please explain.

By submitting and signing a grant application, all applicants agree and grant permission for the usage of a photo or video of his/her likeness and his/her work by the HFEE for lawful HFEE
purposes which may include publication on the HFEE’s and the Holmdel School District’s website, social media sites, publications, and any other form of print/electronic media and/or
print/electronic outlet, if the Innovation Fund grant is approved.

Chandana Rao, HFEE Innovation Fund Committee Chairperson
[email protected]

*all dates for review and approval of applications are targets and subject to change.